Monday, February 12, 2007

A harlot came to church today-

Shocking, isn't it?

Actually, our Pastor's wife was a harlot. Not really, but she played one today in church. She will probably not like me saying this, but she was GREAT at it!

Seriously, she portrayed the love and devotion part perfectly. Holly is a unique person that God has woven together with some amazing gifts. Teacher, prophet, friend, actress , creative spirit, wild woman, ( in the best sense of that word, kind of like John the Baptist, it would never shock me to watch Holly eat a locust for Jesus's sake) she is the most interesting person I think I have met in my adult life. Totally sold out for Christ, and constantly challenges the leadership of our church to head that direction, as well. I'm listening, Holly!!

Anyway, about the story she and Mike presented today.. Holy smokes.

Mike played the part of the judgemental pharisee. You have to know, this is NOT his character. I think he was ALL bout the whole " I'm a Jew" thing, he dressed the part and was singing in Hebrew after the service, he truly cherishes being grafted into the family.. but you have never met a more gentle soul than this guy. He wears Jesus like a robe, and it's all over him. When he walks into a room, he brings the Savior in as well.. you can feel it. He is genuine, and truly feels compassion for the flock under his care. Anyway, he did bring the pharisee to life , in spite of how much it probably goes against his grain. He told the story, played the part- we were all sucked into the scene- then out comes Holly, dressed like an old testament harlot. All in pink and purple silk.. talking about this man Jesus, who says He came for all of us.

As the scene went on, her dialogue went from disbelief, to "are you kidding me with that", to "HE LOOKED AT ME!!" - the harlot fell in love ... and was transformed!! Holly herself was brought to tears, crying out to her Savior, and she took an auditorium of about 200 people with her, to the Savior's feet.

I have heard her say many, many times, as I have asked her for advice, when I am working with people who are in need, or distressed - " Just point them to Jesus."

She did that today. I had a headache from crying so hard during the service, then had to lead worship after that?? How?? " Just point them to the Savior.." God did His thing, as He always does.. and sang through me. I love that.

God is on the move at Lifecoast Church. You can feel it when you enter the doors. You can feel it in the various activities during the week. I know something is happening when I am moved to tears doing my bible study homework during the week. He is touching hearts and changing lives and using this new church as His tool to do that. May He increase, and I pray that we would all decrease.. until all you can see of any of us , is Him.

I love my job,

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