Monday, February 26, 2007

Come on back..

OK, so most of us have heard the story about the prodigal son. He went to his father, demanded his inheritance early... his father gave in to his requests, and the son went off " to find himself" and make a place in the world. The "world" basically ate him up, and spit him back out.. he squandered it all and was left sitting in a pig pen full of slop. Defeated, and broken, he goes back to Dad and offers to work his way back into the family and into Dad's good graces.. but none of that is necessary. Dad throws a huge party, a feast, showers him with love, and a robe fit for royalty, completely forgiving his wayward child.

Many things were tossing around in my mind as I listened to Pastor Mike teach yesterday. One, I totally relate to the wayward son. I did exactly that. I turned away from God for a time, made myself a big pile of pig slop to sit in, allowed the world to break me, and eventually came back to my Father. He did just what the father in the story did... accepted and loved me and has blessed me beyond measure. How great is our God?!?!?

The second thing was.. will I be able to do this as a parent? There have been times when my oldest son has been "contemptuous" toward me, and it makes me FURIOUS!! I know that there have been times when the LAST thing I felt like doing was being forgiving, and gracious towards him when he does that. That's the flesh acting out, and that is not the example that Jesus gave us in this teaching parable. We are called to forgive, forgive, forgive.. as we have been forgiven. I pray God gives me the strength to do that as I go through life with my kids.

The last thing God brought to my mind was .. memories of how I had been less than respectful to my own Mother. I went through the middle school years ( and probably some of High School) thinking that she really didn't know much, and that she was old fashioned in her thinking, and because of some things that had happened in our family, I did not have enough respect for her. I did what the prodigal son did. I demanded from her, then went my own way and ended up in a pig pen, needing Jesus. Although thinking about that time fills me with sadness, and makes me sorely miss my Mother.. ( she passed away about 8 years ago- our relationship was great at the time that she died), I am grateful for that time of learning. I am grateful that Jesus welcomed me back with open, loving arms. I am thankful that he restored me , and healed my messed up relationships and gently picked me up and set me back on the track.. the one that lead to His will for my life. It fills me with deep happiness to know that He has forgiven me, and continues to forgive me for the times that I fall into sinful ways. I am so thankful to be a loved child of God!!

Thank You, Lord, for loving us back into a state of grace. Thank You for never running out of " I forgive you's".. we need all we can get from You. Thank you for times of teaching and pruning, when You pull back Your hand and let us experience what life is apart from You. I have had that, and I am not interested. Thank You for showing me that my life only has meaning when YOU are my top priority. I pray that I would never break Your heart again.. but I thank you for breaking mine.

In Christ's precious name,

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