OK, so most of us have heard the story about the prodigal son. He went to his father, demanded his inheritance early... his father gave in to his requests, and the son went off " to find himself" and make a place in the world. The "world" basically ate him up, and spit him back out.. he squandered it all and was left sitting in a pig pen full of slop. Defeated, and broken, he goes back to Dad and offers to work his way back into the family and into Dad's good graces.. but none of that is necessary. Dad throws a huge party, a feast, showers him with love, and a robe fit for royalty, completely forgiving his wayward child.
Many things were tossing around in my mind as I listened to Pastor Mike teach yesterday. One, I totally relate to the wayward son. I did exactly that. I turned away from God for a time, made myself a big pile of pig slop to sit in, allowed the world to break me, and eventually came back to my Father. He did just what the father in the story did... accepted and loved me and has blessed me beyond measure. How great is our God?!?!?
The second thing was.. will I be able to do this as a parent? There have been times when my oldest son has been "contemptuous" toward me, and it makes me FURIOUS!! I know that there have been times when the LAST thing I felt like doing was being forgiving, and gracious towards him when he does that. That's the flesh acting out, and that is not the example that Jesus gave us in this teaching parable. We are called to forgive, forgive, forgive.. as we have been forgiven. I pray God gives me the strength to do that as I go through life with my kids.
The last thing God brought to my mind was .. memories of how I had been less than respectful to my own Mother. I went through the middle school years ( and probably some of High School) thinking that she really didn't know much, and that she was old fashioned in her thinking, and because of some things that had happened in our family, I did not have enough respect for her. I did what the prodigal son did. I demanded from her, then went my own way and ended up in a pig pen, needing Jesus. Although thinking about that time fills me with sadness, and makes me sorely miss my Mother.. ( she passed away about 8 years ago- our relationship was great at the time that she died), I am grateful for that time of learning. I am grateful that Jesus welcomed me back with open, loving arms. I am thankful that he restored me , and healed my messed up relationships and gently picked me up and set me back on the track.. the one that lead to His will for my life. It fills me with deep happiness to know that He has forgiven me, and continues to forgive me for the times that I fall into sinful ways. I am so thankful to be a loved child of God!!
Thank You, Lord, for loving us back into a state of grace. Thank You for never running out of " I forgive you's".. we need all we can get from You. Thank you for times of teaching and pruning, when You pull back Your hand and let us experience what life is apart from You. I have had that, and I am not interested. Thank You for showing me that my life only has meaning when YOU are my top priority. I pray that I would never break Your heart again.. but I thank you for breaking mine.
In Christ's precious name,
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Can others see Christ in me?
Joy Williams sings a song about this. The following are the first verse and chorus:
Is the face that I see in the mirror the one I want others to see?
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life the love that You've given to me?
My heart's desire is to be like You in all that I do, all I am
CHORUS:Do they see Jesus in me?
Do they recognize Your face?
Do I communicate Your love and Your grace?
Do I reflect who You are in the way I choose to be?
Do they see Jesus, Jesus in me?
The words are something to think about. God's word tells us to go proclaim the good news to the world.. but I have asked God how to do this, if "preaching" isn't really my style. It just doesn't come out right- and as a friend of mine asked me the other day " I just never seem to see the fruit of my labor and I don't know why? It must be something I am doing wrong!"
A couple of things came to my mind.. one, being the whole "seed-sower" issue. God told me long ago, maybe in my teens, that this would be my "modus operandi" where He was concerned. Some of us get the gifts of prophecy and teaching or evangelism ( I didn't get much of those) and others of us get gifts like mercy, serving, or shepherding gifts. Apparently that was the line yours truly was in. :) I praise Him for those gifts, and cry out for Him to use them through me to accomplish His works.. but being a seed- sower is hard sometimes. I have seen others get to lead the very people to Christ that God had put in my life for a time of "softening" or something like that. I could go one of two ways with this. I could cop an attitude with God :" HEY!! Those were MINE!" ( probably not wise, since they were never mine, they are HIS) or, I can praise Him that they are now in the family of God and will be in Heaven for all eternity. I choose that. :)
Other times, God might put people in your life for a time of softening, and you grow to love and care for them, then *poof* they leave . Maybe you keep in touch, maybe you don't- but God always knows where they are. In His time, and according to His will, He pursues and answers those prayers. This is probably harder for me to swallow- but my Father admonishes me to go ahead in faith, knowing that HE is always faithful. Amen? :)
Back to my original pondering... as Christians, we are called to preach the gospel, in whatever way we can do that. One of the most powerful ways this can happen is for someone to recognize Christ in us and in our lives and families. How can a person see this? One little word. "Grace."
Much grace was poured upon us at the time of Christ's persecution and death for our sins. For what we have been given, a lifetime and an eternity with God , we are thankful and we praise Him. Out of that thanks , our hearts are transformed through the work of the Holy spirit... the Holy Spirit, when we ask, gives us all we need for others to see Christ in us. We are being made into His likeness.. meek, humble, loving and kind, generous, gracious and selfless servants of the Living God who are called into the world to love the hurting and lost. Take this seriously. If we aren't loving the hurting and lost , who is? The world? Satan may try to lure them, but he certainly isn't loving on them.. and to a hurting person, being lured looks like love sometimes. Temptations and worldly acquistions look alot like acceptance to many people. I believe it doesn't take much for people to see something different in us as Christians, but I believe we must ask God for the ability to BE different. Pledge to be kind today to someone "different" from yourself. Pledge today to choose a smile and soft heart over anger and spite. Pledge today to use words that uplift someone, as opposed to tearing them down ( even if you feel like they "deserve" it. ) A friend of mine said to me once " Every chance you get, take the high road." Another friend says that her Mother in law tells her to "Just do the next right thing." Basically we can look at Christ, and ask God " Lord, make me more like Him." He always took the high road, and He always did the next right thing.
Father, create in me a clean heart. Remind me daily that my first order of business with You is to say Thank You for all the blessings you have showered upon me. God, I pray that you would fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and use me to do Your work here on this earth. I pray You would lure me further and further away from the world and it's temptations, and closer to You and Your plan for me. Lord, I ask that you would help me give others grace. Let there be a smile or a hug from me that is sent to a hurting person, from You. Love others through me, Father. Let them see Jesus in me.
In Your Son's precious name I pray,
Is the face that I see in the mirror the one I want others to see?
Do I show in the way that I walk in my life the love that You've given to me?
My heart's desire is to be like You in all that I do, all I am
CHORUS:Do they see Jesus in me?
Do they recognize Your face?
Do I communicate Your love and Your grace?
Do I reflect who You are in the way I choose to be?
Do they see Jesus, Jesus in me?
The words are something to think about. God's word tells us to go proclaim the good news to the world.. but I have asked God how to do this, if "preaching" isn't really my style. It just doesn't come out right- and as a friend of mine asked me the other day " I just never seem to see the fruit of my labor and I don't know why? It must be something I am doing wrong!"
A couple of things came to my mind.. one, being the whole "seed-sower" issue. God told me long ago, maybe in my teens, that this would be my "modus operandi" where He was concerned. Some of us get the gifts of prophecy and teaching or evangelism ( I didn't get much of those) and others of us get gifts like mercy, serving, or shepherding gifts. Apparently that was the line yours truly was in. :) I praise Him for those gifts, and cry out for Him to use them through me to accomplish His works.. but being a seed- sower is hard sometimes. I have seen others get to lead the very people to Christ that God had put in my life for a time of "softening" or something like that. I could go one of two ways with this. I could cop an attitude with God :" HEY!! Those were MINE!" ( probably not wise, since they were never mine, they are HIS) or, I can praise Him that they are now in the family of God and will be in Heaven for all eternity. I choose that. :)
Other times, God might put people in your life for a time of softening, and you grow to love and care for them, then *poof* they leave . Maybe you keep in touch, maybe you don't- but God always knows where they are. In His time, and according to His will, He pursues and answers those prayers. This is probably harder for me to swallow- but my Father admonishes me to go ahead in faith, knowing that HE is always faithful. Amen? :)
Back to my original pondering... as Christians, we are called to preach the gospel, in whatever way we can do that. One of the most powerful ways this can happen is for someone to recognize Christ in us and in our lives and families. How can a person see this? One little word. "Grace."
Much grace was poured upon us at the time of Christ's persecution and death for our sins. For what we have been given, a lifetime and an eternity with God , we are thankful and we praise Him. Out of that thanks , our hearts are transformed through the work of the Holy spirit... the Holy Spirit, when we ask, gives us all we need for others to see Christ in us. We are being made into His likeness.. meek, humble, loving and kind, generous, gracious and selfless servants of the Living God who are called into the world to love the hurting and lost. Take this seriously. If we aren't loving the hurting and lost , who is? The world? Satan may try to lure them, but he certainly isn't loving on them.. and to a hurting person, being lured looks like love sometimes. Temptations and worldly acquistions look alot like acceptance to many people. I believe it doesn't take much for people to see something different in us as Christians, but I believe we must ask God for the ability to BE different. Pledge to be kind today to someone "different" from yourself. Pledge today to choose a smile and soft heart over anger and spite. Pledge today to use words that uplift someone, as opposed to tearing them down ( even if you feel like they "deserve" it. ) A friend of mine said to me once " Every chance you get, take the high road." Another friend says that her Mother in law tells her to "Just do the next right thing." Basically we can look at Christ, and ask God " Lord, make me more like Him." He always took the high road, and He always did the next right thing.
Father, create in me a clean heart. Remind me daily that my first order of business with You is to say Thank You for all the blessings you have showered upon me. God, I pray that you would fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and use me to do Your work here on this earth. I pray You would lure me further and further away from the world and it's temptations, and closer to You and Your plan for me. Lord, I ask that you would help me give others grace. Let there be a smile or a hug from me that is sent to a hurting person, from You. Love others through me, Father. Let them see Jesus in me.
In Your Son's precious name I pray,
Monday, February 12, 2007
A harlot came to church today-
Shocking, isn't it?
Actually, our Pastor's wife was a harlot. Not really, but she played one today in church. She will probably not like me saying this, but she was GREAT at it!
Seriously, she portrayed the love and devotion part perfectly. Holly is a unique person that God has woven together with some amazing gifts. Teacher, prophet, friend, actress , creative spirit, wild woman, ( in the best sense of that word, kind of like John the Baptist, it would never shock me to watch Holly eat a locust for Jesus's sake) she is the most interesting person I think I have met in my adult life. Totally sold out for Christ, and constantly challenges the leadership of our church to head that direction, as well. I'm listening, Holly!!
Anyway, about the story she and Mike presented today.. Holy smokes.
Mike played the part of the judgemental pharisee. You have to know, this is NOT his character. I think he was ALL bout the whole " I'm a Jew" thing, he dressed the part and was singing in Hebrew after the service, he truly cherishes being grafted into the family.. but you have never met a more gentle soul than this guy. He wears Jesus like a robe, and it's all over him. When he walks into a room, he brings the Savior in as well.. you can feel it. He is genuine, and truly feels compassion for the flock under his care. Anyway, he did bring the pharisee to life , in spite of how much it probably goes against his grain. He told the story, played the part- we were all sucked into the scene- then out comes Holly, dressed like an old testament harlot. All in pink and purple silk.. talking about this man Jesus, who says He came for all of us.
As the scene went on, her dialogue went from disbelief, to "are you kidding me with that", to "HE LOOKED AT ME!!" - the harlot fell in love ... and was transformed!! Holly herself was brought to tears, crying out to her Savior, and she took an auditorium of about 200 people with her, to the Savior's feet.
I have heard her say many, many times, as I have asked her for advice, when I am working with people who are in need, or distressed - " Just point them to Jesus."
She did that today. I had a headache from crying so hard during the service, then had to lead worship after that?? How?? " Just point them to the Savior.." God did His thing, as He always does.. and sang through me. I love that.
God is on the move at Lifecoast Church. You can feel it when you enter the doors. You can feel it in the various activities during the week. I know something is happening when I am moved to tears doing my bible study homework during the week. He is touching hearts and changing lives and using this new church as His tool to do that. May He increase, and I pray that we would all decrease.. until all you can see of any of us , is Him.
I love my job,
Actually, our Pastor's wife was a harlot. Not really, but she played one today in church. She will probably not like me saying this, but she was GREAT at it!
Seriously, she portrayed the love and devotion part perfectly. Holly is a unique person that God has woven together with some amazing gifts. Teacher, prophet, friend, actress , creative spirit, wild woman, ( in the best sense of that word, kind of like John the Baptist, it would never shock me to watch Holly eat a locust for Jesus's sake) she is the most interesting person I think I have met in my adult life. Totally sold out for Christ, and constantly challenges the leadership of our church to head that direction, as well. I'm listening, Holly!!
Anyway, about the story she and Mike presented today.. Holy smokes.
Mike played the part of the judgemental pharisee. You have to know, this is NOT his character. I think he was ALL bout the whole " I'm a Jew" thing, he dressed the part and was singing in Hebrew after the service, he truly cherishes being grafted into the family.. but you have never met a more gentle soul than this guy. He wears Jesus like a robe, and it's all over him. When he walks into a room, he brings the Savior in as well.. you can feel it. He is genuine, and truly feels compassion for the flock under his care. Anyway, he did bring the pharisee to life , in spite of how much it probably goes against his grain. He told the story, played the part- we were all sucked into the scene- then out comes Holly, dressed like an old testament harlot. All in pink and purple silk.. talking about this man Jesus, who says He came for all of us.
As the scene went on, her dialogue went from disbelief, to "are you kidding me with that", to "HE LOOKED AT ME!!" - the harlot fell in love ... and was transformed!! Holly herself was brought to tears, crying out to her Savior, and she took an auditorium of about 200 people with her, to the Savior's feet.
I have heard her say many, many times, as I have asked her for advice, when I am working with people who are in need, or distressed - " Just point them to Jesus."
She did that today. I had a headache from crying so hard during the service, then had to lead worship after that?? How?? " Just point them to the Savior.." God did His thing, as He always does.. and sang through me. I love that.
God is on the move at Lifecoast Church. You can feel it when you enter the doors. You can feel it in the various activities during the week. I know something is happening when I am moved to tears doing my bible study homework during the week. He is touching hearts and changing lives and using this new church as His tool to do that. May He increase, and I pray that we would all decrease.. until all you can see of any of us , is Him.
I love my job,
Friday, February 9, 2007
God helps those....
who help themselves...? That's not even in the Bible.
I read something today that says that is even the exact opposite of what is biblical. Basically.. we can't help ourselves. We need Jesus to help us - believing we can stand alone is a lie from the pits of Hell.
Jer 17:5 (NIV) This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."
Prov 28:26 (NIV) He who trusts in himself is a fool...
God is teaching me something about benevolence, and how His throne of grace fits into that picture. God is a benevolent, giving, loving God.. and those of us He has blessed are called to give back to needy people, and bring Jesus along to introduce them to Him. All the charities, fund-raising and money in the world won't help if the hurt and lost don't know Christ. Can I get a witness, here?
I recently met a woman through ministry who has always been a hard worker, she takes care of her kids, loves and supports her husband, but due to some hard life circumstances, is about to lose her home. Not only that, they have not even been able to set aside money to cover security deposits and the like to get into a rental home. My first reaction is to throw money at the situation, and beg others to do that. God says " Ask me first." I have asked and asked and asked, made calls upon phone calls to people that I know who own, or know people who own rental property who MIGHT be willing to work with them. I have prayed with every group of people I have been with over the past two weeks, for this woman and her family, and spent hours on the computer researching foreclosure prevention, and charitable help for families in this area and have pretty much come up empty. So what is God doing here? This lady is His child. So are her children and her husband.. they just don't yet know their Father. What kind of example am I setting here if I can't help them? Or worse.. what if GOD chooses not to help them this time? Moreover, there are people IN my own church who are in the same boat... but for some reason, THESE people are on my heart. I am begging God to help, bring help from SOMEWHERE - and He speaks to me. " I am on My throne, here." *I* know He is in control.. how do I convey this to someone who doesn't know Him?
I am learning about Godly guidelines, and boundaries. I am learning about His loving control over every single thing that happens here. He knows what my friend is going through. I am praying and asking that no matter what, she sees Him in me- and maybe even comes to accept that He loves her. Rock bottom can be the best place a person can be, if that person finds Jesus there. ( Thanks, Holly, I needed to be reminded of this, today.)
Thank you, God, for being on Your throne. Help me bring my friend to see You.
In His name and covered by His blood,
I read something today that says that is even the exact opposite of what is biblical. Basically.. we can't help ourselves. We need Jesus to help us - believing we can stand alone is a lie from the pits of Hell.
Jer 17:5 (NIV) This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD."
Prov 28:26 (NIV) He who trusts in himself is a fool...
God is teaching me something about benevolence, and how His throne of grace fits into that picture. God is a benevolent, giving, loving God.. and those of us He has blessed are called to give back to needy people, and bring Jesus along to introduce them to Him. All the charities, fund-raising and money in the world won't help if the hurt and lost don't know Christ. Can I get a witness, here?
I recently met a woman through ministry who has always been a hard worker, she takes care of her kids, loves and supports her husband, but due to some hard life circumstances, is about to lose her home. Not only that, they have not even been able to set aside money to cover security deposits and the like to get into a rental home. My first reaction is to throw money at the situation, and beg others to do that. God says " Ask me first." I have asked and asked and asked, made calls upon phone calls to people that I know who own, or know people who own rental property who MIGHT be willing to work with them. I have prayed with every group of people I have been with over the past two weeks, for this woman and her family, and spent hours on the computer researching foreclosure prevention, and charitable help for families in this area and have pretty much come up empty. So what is God doing here? This lady is His child. So are her children and her husband.. they just don't yet know their Father. What kind of example am I setting here if I can't help them? Or worse.. what if GOD chooses not to help them this time? Moreover, there are people IN my own church who are in the same boat... but for some reason, THESE people are on my heart. I am begging God to help, bring help from SOMEWHERE - and He speaks to me. " I am on My throne, here." *I* know He is in control.. how do I convey this to someone who doesn't know Him?
I am learning about Godly guidelines, and boundaries. I am learning about His loving control over every single thing that happens here. He knows what my friend is going through. I am praying and asking that no matter what, she sees Him in me- and maybe even comes to accept that He loves her. Rock bottom can be the best place a person can be, if that person finds Jesus there. ( Thanks, Holly, I needed to be reminded of this, today.)
Thank you, God, for being on Your throne. Help me bring my friend to see You.
In His name and covered by His blood,
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
About this whole "faith" thing..
"Therefore let us draw near to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need" (Hebrews 4:16)
Over the past year or so, I have learned more about God through prayer than I ever imagined. God has transformed me from a timid "hands thrown up in the air since He does what He wants to anyway" kind of person to a " Let's ask Dad!!" kinda girl.
I once confided to a friend that I had figured out that since I didn't really have that much of a relationship with my biological father, and my step-father was sort of a punishing, mean spirited tyrant kind of a man.. I had to admit, that was how I saw God in my mind's eye. Ok.. I knew He was up there, He "loved" me.. but I always thought God was just watching and waiting for me to screw up. And then, if punishment was needed, He was right there doling it out in the way of failures, missed opportunities, and causing nearly everything in my life going "wrong"... my friend listened patiently to my belly-aching, then gently pointed me to Jesus. ( thank you Lord for friends like this!!) A couple of things were "revealed " to me through the words of my friend:
One.. I was a brat.
Two.. God isn't like that.
It took time, study and some experiences with specific prayer to change my heart on this topic. As I learned about God's goodness... His mercy.. and His love for me, I began to ask God to help me see Him the way He wants His children to see Him. I began asking Him to help me forgive some things and people in my past.. He did. I began asking Him to help me believe Him for His promises.. He did. Before I knew what had happened, I realized one day that I had a handle on some kind of new "bigger faith" in the God Who created me! Over time, I began to have glimpses in my heart and mind of a God who wanted "relationship" with me. I began to visualize a God who was pleased that I was asking for His help with things, instead of turning to my own earthly toolboxes. I began to ask Him to show me HIS plan for my involvements, my activities, my family life , my marriage- everything I had my hands in, I began to ask that His hand would be on it too. A plan is slowly taking shape before my very eyes.. in the form of some gifts from God.
me: " God, I am too timid to be a leader."
God: " Ask Me for Godly confidence."
me: " Ok, will you bless me with that? I think I need that to do what You are asking me."
God: " You got it. "
It wasn't overnight... but it seems like it. I know I have a really really long way to go in my journey, and I know it won't be perfect til I see His face. Because of who HE is, however, I am learning, growing and loving the work- even the hard stuff. I ask Him most frequently that no matter what is going on.. that He would increase, and that I would decrease. That seems to meet many of my needs for the time being.. if He is in charge, and if He increases in my life, then I know I have an open heart for listening- and obeying. A faithful, obedient daughter is pleasing to God!!
Praise You, God.. for loving me enough to not let me stay the way I was. Thank you for transforming me daily. Continue growing me closer to you, stronger in You, and help me to always seek You first.
In Your Son's precious name I ask all things,
Over the past year or so, I have learned more about God through prayer than I ever imagined. God has transformed me from a timid "hands thrown up in the air since He does what He wants to anyway" kind of person to a " Let's ask Dad!!" kinda girl.
I once confided to a friend that I had figured out that since I didn't really have that much of a relationship with my biological father, and my step-father was sort of a punishing, mean spirited tyrant kind of a man.. I had to admit, that was how I saw God in my mind's eye. Ok.. I knew He was up there, He "loved" me.. but I always thought God was just watching and waiting for me to screw up. And then, if punishment was needed, He was right there doling it out in the way of failures, missed opportunities, and causing nearly everything in my life going "wrong"... my friend listened patiently to my belly-aching, then gently pointed me to Jesus. ( thank you Lord for friends like this!!) A couple of things were "revealed " to me through the words of my friend:
One.. I was a brat.
Two.. God isn't like that.
It took time, study and some experiences with specific prayer to change my heart on this topic. As I learned about God's goodness... His mercy.. and His love for me, I began to ask God to help me see Him the way He wants His children to see Him. I began asking Him to help me forgive some things and people in my past.. He did. I began asking Him to help me believe Him for His promises.. He did. Before I knew what had happened, I realized one day that I had a handle on some kind of new "bigger faith" in the God Who created me! Over time, I began to have glimpses in my heart and mind of a God who wanted "relationship" with me. I began to visualize a God who was pleased that I was asking for His help with things, instead of turning to my own earthly toolboxes. I began to ask Him to show me HIS plan for my involvements, my activities, my family life , my marriage- everything I had my hands in, I began to ask that His hand would be on it too. A plan is slowly taking shape before my very eyes.. in the form of some gifts from God.
me: " God, I am too timid to be a leader."
God: " Ask Me for Godly confidence."
me: " Ok, will you bless me with that? I think I need that to do what You are asking me."
God: " You got it. "
It wasn't overnight... but it seems like it. I know I have a really really long way to go in my journey, and I know it won't be perfect til I see His face. Because of who HE is, however, I am learning, growing and loving the work- even the hard stuff. I ask Him most frequently that no matter what is going on.. that He would increase, and that I would decrease. That seems to meet many of my needs for the time being.. if He is in charge, and if He increases in my life, then I know I have an open heart for listening- and obeying. A faithful, obedient daughter is pleasing to God!!
Praise You, God.. for loving me enough to not let me stay the way I was. Thank you for transforming me daily. Continue growing me closer to you, stronger in You, and help me to always seek You first.
In Your Son's precious name I ask all things,
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