Monday, May 10, 2010

Are you maturing as a Christian?

I read a great book a few years ago called " Spiritual Leadership" by J Oswald Sanders. I have read others- but prefer to reference from this particular book when I am working with potential leaders. I am always looking for concise but powerful mentoring resources. Guy Muse published an article recently that got my attention.. these are benchmarks to use in your own walk. We should seek God regularly on these points.. we are called to grow to maturity in Christ. Do you recognize growth in any of these areas, in your own walk?

*Adheres to Jesus' teachings, and knows what those teachings are.

*Primary life's orientation centers on Jesus, and His Kingdom ( Sermon on the Mount)

*Sees all of life as a mission with God-and has increasing awareness of the Holy Spirit's leading in his or her own life

*Sees the value of Christian leadership- submits accordingly and is willing to lead when needed

*Primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, over human government ( but submits to human authority in respect)

* Understands that sacrifice is costly. This usually means that financial sacrifice is the norm.

* humble, puts others before self- gives others the advantage

*deeply involved in the Christian community and will not leave unless directed by God

*dependent on God to meet all needs

*sees the value of suffering and sacrifical service in order to glorify God

*Understands that life is lived to the fullest with God is glorified via a disciple

These are just some of the benchmarks I pulled from the article. Reading makes me thankful that God is patient with me!! I have a long way to go...
