Monday, March 26, 2007

Sorry it's been so long between posts!

Things have been hectic and wonderful this month..

Let's see- we had family in town for a few days.. it wasn't long enough, though. I have been dealing with the "post- visit blues" since they left last week. It feels like the day after Christmas. Do you know what I mean? All the excitement is over, church services and parties done, decorations have to come down.. the end of the fun puts me in a blah mood. Having family here is such a blessing and so hard when they leave!! Plus, they were only here three days, and we all had such a great time together, it just wasn't long enough. Better than nothing though.

On the upside -

That family I told you about.. the ones who had to foreclose on their home? The ones we helped move into the new place.. have assisted financially and the ones I have totally fallen head over heels in love with? THEM?!?? They came to church!! Two weeks in a row.. AND the beautiful wonderful 14 yr old precious daughter came to Youth group last week and LOVED it! She is also wanting to volunteer in Kidz Church , she was GREAT with the little ones, AND their mom wants to come check out Youth group this week.. she might want to help out with that! My heart soars just thinking about how good our God is!

Their little 9 yr old.. cute as pie.. loves Kidz church. She begs to come.. doesn't want to leave.. did I mention I love that family? God has placed the strongest urge in my heart to love them. It has to be supernatural.. God wants a family relationship there, so it is there. I adore spending time with them. I am praying for this to be the most amazing Easter ever, for this sweet family. Pray with me!! God is doing something huge here!!

Something else God is talking to me about the past couple of weeks.. He has actually been speaking to my heart about this topic since last May- it comes up again and again, because apparently I have not nailed the lesson down yet. My Father is so patient with me, praise Him!

So, here I am , reading this book called 'Heart of Worship' by Matt Redman. He is a pretty well known Christian artist and worship leader. Great book, challenging... I am nearly done with it and already wanting to read it again.. and I hit upon one of the devotional extras done by this chick named Daphne Rademaker. She is a Vineyard worship leader in Canada.

"Let God be your defense, and advertiser. I continue to learn over and over that we don't need to make room for ourselves, or strive to become a part of things. We just need to work on our craft, and knock on the door with whatever we have to offer God. "

Then.. this, which hit me in the gut:

"There is a distinct difference between trying to gain favor with people , and doing what God has asked you to do. Always go with what God is telling you to do, not what others think you should or should not be doing."

I like to please people. Everyone. I like to, but as I am getting older, and learning about my God, I know in my heart that I am to be pleasing in HIS sight. Along with these lessons, come things like patience to wait on His timing for things to pan out.. patience with myself.. patience with others. I pray diligently , I rarely skip on my quiet time.. I know I can't. I want to go to Him with things. One of the blessings of the way God created me is the fact that I honestly do have a desire to be obedient. Problem is.. I also need to be able to discern God's voice from disapproval of men. ( Remember that part where I like to please? ) I know that my ministries have specific Godly order to them. God, my marriage, my family, my ministries.. that is the order. I get into trouble when I start feeling like others want to define my order- or when I try to define it myself. Only God can do that. But I do struggle when I hear things from loved ones that seem to contradict what God has already told me. My life the past two years has been abundantly blessed by God because He is faithful. He directs my path, and when I listen to Him , He blesses that. I now spend alot of time praying for Godly reminders of how He blesses me when I am obedient to Him, and Him alone. Not praying really for the blessings, just thanking Him for the reminders.

My desire is to have a pure heart before Him. I pray daily for Him to keep my heart right and my motives pure. On my own, I fail , alot. Thankfully, all I have to do is ask again, and there He is again to bless that. If ever there was an unworthy soul, here I sit. Aware of His grace and mercy.. and thankful to the core that He loves me in spite of my sin, and in spite of my lack of faith in Him, and in spite of the fact that I have to be reminded over and over that I serve HIM. I love that direction comes from God, and not whatever expectations or boundaries anyone else would like to put there.

Last May, God spoke something to my heart that I have used as my daily mantra with this church plant thing. It was just something really simple, that has profoundly affected my life and how I view ministry, whether it be my family, or church/community related. It reminds me that it really isn't about me( Oh, how I need that reminder daily!) and it isn't about where someone else thinks I should or shouldn't be serving.. or how anyone views my role in the church or in this life. He said " Just do the work." I think what He meant by that was .. " Just do what *I* ask, remember to thank Me , and you will do just fine."

I wouldn't want it any other way.


Monday, March 5, 2007

Oh!! I forgot!

This past weekend marked Lifecoast Church's FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!

Our baby church is officially a toddler now.. learning to walk in ministry, in faith, and in His light. We had a large crowd there yesterday, over 200 people in the service, lots of video clips from happenings of the past year, awesome worship ( I have never seen that many folks getting into it and reaching up to the Holy Spirit- and He was REIGNING in there..) Pastor Mike's message was wonderfully challenging .. there was ICE cream involved.. ( after the service, not during the message, heheh) - It was just a most amazing celebration of God's goodness.

Mike's message was part two of Luke 15- the contemptuous boys. He challenged us all not to be like the older son.. angry and bitter and far away from the Father's heart, but to be AFTER His heart. Where is that? Look at where Jesus went. He spent His time seeking out the lost, the fallen, the ignored, the left behind, the sick ... those people that no one else would love. That is where His heart is. As Christ- followers, this is where we go if we want to be about our Father's business.

I pray that God will take me there at every opportunity.. into the places where " the least of these" are. If that is where He is, then I want to go, too. I don't want to stay in a boxed up safety zone if God isn't here. I am chasing my Father's heart.


One church, and a truck-

And Jesus will answer them, "Whatever you neglected to do unto one of these least of these, you neglected to do unto Me!"

Jesus never turned His head from need. He is our example.

A few posts ago, I told you about a couple that I met a while back who were struggling financially to the point of losing their home. Well, the worst has happened.. they are in the middle of foreclosure proceedings, and had to move this past weekend. I don't know about you, but from an earthly standpoint, that looks and feels like one of those "rock bottom" places to me. I know we each deal with our own individual demons, but financial issues have always scared the living daylights out of me, and for God to ask me to work with a family facing something that is terrifying to me, is odd, I think. ( His ways are not our ways..)

I also told you that my friend made the comment to me " You know, sometimes rock bottom is the best place to be, because that is where people find Jesus." I know in my heart that is true, I found Him there myself ( or at least was re-aquainted with Him in such a way that I have not been the same since)- and I have seen it a hundred times. This weekend I think I saw it again.. Jesus showed up to move these folks and minister to them in a most amazing way!

Our church has this unspoken ministry.. The Moving Guys. Sid and I were both astounded a year ago when they came into our home like a SWAT team, packed us up and moved us in less than a day. Did you hear me say I AM NOT PACKED YET??? ( This was my recurring question as my brothers and sisters threw everything we owned into any bag or box and carried it across the street.. )I felt like I was in an indoor tornado. My head was spinning and I felt dizzy.. but my heart was full of love and gratitude for these amazing people. WHO would do that for someone?

Jesus. There He was , with skin on, moving all my stuff.

I was blessed to experience this from the other side , this past weekend. My friends were the ones watching in shock and amazement as these big guys came , loaded up their house of furniture, drove it to the new place and unloaded in less than two hours. I watched Jesus, in the form of these giant hearted men , wrap love all over a family who does not yet know their Father.. but they sure saw Him that day- for the first time. I know she saw Him, because she told me. For the first time.. she thinks there really may be something to the whole "Jesus" deal. Her hubby, who is pretty much agnostic- asked her for the first time in the 15 years she has known him... if she thought they should maybe check out this "Church" thing. There is more to come.. God is NOT done here yet!! Praise Him!

I am overwhelmed, I am humbled beyond words, and I am on my knees thanking my Abba Father today. He is huge. He is love and He is very real... and He is on the "MOVE" in more ways that you can count.

Lord, You are good.
Bring your lost ones home, Father.
