Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Bride of Christ-

God's word refers to the Church as Christ's Bride. Yesterday I was finishing up some study on the book of Daniel, chapter five - and in the study, the author makes the following comment:

"You and I want God to able to look on us amidst our over indulged self absorbed culture, then glance to His right and say " She has an extraordinary spirit, doesn't she, Son?" Perhaps Christ will nod His head, and while thinking the thoughts of an anxious bridegroom, lean over and say " And isn't she beautiful?" This comment struck me to the core and made my heart race!! I want that!!

The book of Daniel gives the account of a man who, in the middle of a very "all about me" culture, stood up for His God, and refused to submit to the wiles of the world- even to the point of being tossed into a fiery furnace. He would not bow to the gods of that world. That is "extraordinary spirit". I want that, and I desperately desire Christ to see me that way. God, keep me focused on Your face, Your teachings, and Your plan for my life. I just want to be pleasing to You- that is my heart, God. Help me turn away from the world- and be focused on things eternal.. give me a bigger faith that will help me be strong.

I desire more than anything else for God to look at me one day and say " You tried really hard to do what I asked. I am pleased, you did a good job.".

Thank you, Father, for the opportunities you have given me to do Your work while I am on this earth. Help me to stay in the race.

In your Son's name,

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