Have you ever felt like asking someone that? Maybe, you felt like asking God that. I know, I have. I have also felt Him asking me that , many times.
It usually happens when I am faced with a frustrating situation , and am looking for a way out of it, a way over it, a way around it, or a way to push through it. Situations like this always call for some type of decision to be made, and one thing I am learning is that there are a few things I have to do before I can even start to weigh out my options.
1- Pray.. maybe for the "situation", maybe for the other person, ask God to make sure my motives are aligned with His Word- ask God to keep my heart right and my motives pure.
1a Thank God for what He has already done in my life, and ask Him to help me remember those blessings and victories as I begin to sort through whatever I am faced with.
1b- Ask for His guidance, His will to be done, and for the Holy Spirit to stay close by.
After prayer and meditation, I always feel more peaceful.
I have always been somewhat high-strung.
I always knew I was wired that way, and it was something about myself that always bothered me. I can remember as a young adult praying "Lord, make me a peaceful person." Instead, I was tightly wound, easily offended, quick to anger and feel hurt- and never one to assume the best in any situation. I was a "negative focuser". This caused anxiety and fretfulness, which cancels out any chance of having any peace. I realized later on, that it boiled down to one thing:
Do you trust and believe ME, or don't you?
This was the beginning of a season of buffet choices I began to realize I needed to make.
- Will you be a blessing to others, or be a complainer, and a burden to everyone around you?
- Will you accept MY love for you? Will you be willing to give that love to others in MY name? or do you choose to be unloving?
- Will people feel uplifted after being around you? or will they feel like you sucked the last drop of life they had left in themselves after spending the afternoon with you?
- Will you choose to assume the best in another person? will you make a choice to believe that they are NOT coming at you with anything less than a good motive? I will bless you for this.
- Will you choose not to be offended , even if their motives were not right? Will you choose to look at ME instead, and ask ME to give you grace to handle it well? I will bless you for this.
- Will you choose to look to ME for your identity? Nothing else should matter to you more than Me. I have a plan for your life.. and this is between you , and ME, anyway. I want to be able to say to you " Well done, good and faithful one." Give ME some reasons to say that to you one day.
- Will you make a choice to overlook faults in another, and be forgiving, like I have forgiven you and blessed you in spite of your sin? I will bless you for doing this.
- Will you make the choice, today, to take those two major commandments I gave you and take them to heart? Love ME, and love others. Love them enough to TREAT them like you love them. Go tell them about ME.
What's it gonna be?