Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Bride of Christ-

God's word refers to the Church as Christ's Bride. Yesterday I was finishing up some study on the book of Daniel, chapter five - and in the study, the author makes the following comment:

"You and I want God to able to look on us amidst our over indulged self absorbed culture, then glance to His right and say " She has an extraordinary spirit, doesn't she, Son?" Perhaps Christ will nod His head, and while thinking the thoughts of an anxious bridegroom, lean over and say " And isn't she beautiful?" This comment struck me to the core and made my heart race!! I want that!!

The book of Daniel gives the account of a man who, in the middle of a very "all about me" culture, stood up for His God, and refused to submit to the wiles of the world- even to the point of being tossed into a fiery furnace. He would not bow to the gods of that world. That is "extraordinary spirit". I want that, and I desperately desire Christ to see me that way. God, keep me focused on Your face, Your teachings, and Your plan for my life. I just want to be pleasing to You- that is my heart, God. Help me turn away from the world- and be focused on things eternal.. give me a bigger faith that will help me be strong.

I desire more than anything else for God to look at me one day and say " You tried really hard to do what I asked. I am pleased, you did a good job.".

Thank you, Father, for the opportunities you have given me to do Your work while I am on this earth. Help me to stay in the race.

In your Son's name,

Friday, January 26, 2007

Delight thyself in the Lord-

He will give you your heart's desire.

Even if you didn't know your heart desired it.

Delight- feel thrilled, spend time with, consume oneself with deep satsifaction ... in the Lord.

Pursue Him as He pursues ME. Crave, have need for, feel lost without, the Lord.

Years ago, I was consumed with desires. I desired a great job, fun, freedom, cool clothes, a nice place to live- those kinda things. Eventually, I desired a family, I wanted to be a Soccer Mom , to be respected in my community- did I mention fun? I still wanted that.. I desired romance, excitement, a big nice house... it has only been within the past 8 years that I began my search for my true heart's desire.

I am slowly realizing that the one thing I have always sought after, the one thing that can make me feel "significant" in a world full of people who do their level best to make others feel insignificant... the One who gives me purpose and true meaning, Who makes up for everything in my life to this point that has lacked in some way- is Christ. How freeing and totally awe-inspiring to know, trust and believe that although He does not NEED me, He WANTS me.

I am loving this life. Thank you, Jesus...